Fees & Subscription Rates 2024

We currently have limited membership vacancies available for new members. Monthly payment options are available upon request. All membership subscriptions are subject to the £16.50 England golf affiliation fees. For additional information, or to request an application please contact us by email at admin@blythgolf.co.uk

Membership Category 2024/25
Full 7- Day £727
5-Day (Mon-Fri) £567
Full Senior (Conditions apply) £654
Lifestyle  (Plus £15 per round) £350
Intermediate 27 £654
Intermediate 26 £589
Intermediate 25 £523
Intermediate 24 £458
Intermediate 23 £392
Intermediate 22 £328
Intermediate 18 - 21 £255
Junior Under 18 £150
Junior Under 17 £100
Junior Under 16 £40


Blyth Golf Club
Blyth Golf Club Ltd, New Delaval, Blyth, NE24 4DB

01670 540 110